
CYOA: The Stepdaughter - Chapter 13 (Story)

Published: May 4th 2020, 2:00:04 pm


"Ugh," Janet wrinkled her nose, head starting to spin slightly at the sight of the math books waiting for her. She knew these assignments were for kids, and yet she still couldn't help feeling anxious, seeing all those numbers... As soon as she was out of school, she'd used math as little as possible, which was easy enough when she could just use the calculator on her phone if she needed, or ask Google for its help.

Now, here she was, with something she hadn't expected to have to deal with until she had kids, and they'd grown up enough to need her help with homework. Her plan had been to have Harrison help with that, or hire a tutor, since Harrison could afford it... Somehow, she'd never quite anticipated this scenario, where she'd be the one needing help.

"It's fine," she pouted to herself, shaking her head. She was getting too worked up about it because of her history with it, the many times she'd had to stay after class and have talks with her teacher because she'd failed - or almost failed - a test, the humiliation of that, the sorry she always had when her report card came out, praying she wasn't going to fail, and wind up held back a grade because of one stupid class...

This homework was for a kid, she reminded herself again, the second time in only a few seconds. Yes, she was bad at it in general, and no, she hadn't done it in years... But how much trouble could she possibly have with this? She still wasn't sure how old Priscilla was, though she couldn't be that old, right? Janet really hoped not, as she picked up the first book, flipping through it to the marked page.

Her stomach lurched, her bottom wriggling in her padded prison, as she looked at what she was supposed to do. Maybe it had just been too long since she'd had to think about this, but this stuff seemed far too hard for whatever Prissy's age was... She wasn't certain she knew what half the symbols meant herself! She wished she had her phone on her, so she could at least look up those - if not the answers themselves - yet, unfortunately, it was nowhere to be found.

It was like a nightmare... She'd had it many times before, though never as bad as this, never with her diapered, with a tyrannical babysitter/older sister/stepdaughter there to enforce the rules on her, to make her do this. Normally, she showed up to school to discover there was a test that day she hadn't studied for, over a section she hadn't read at all, leaving her sitting at her desk, staring dumbly down at the paper, with no idea what to write.

In a way, this felt far more dire. Grades were on the line there; here, she knew it wouldn't matter. She didn't go to school, hadn't in years... Even if she never convinced Hazel of her true identity, Harrison would be back before school was back in session, and he'd tell the girl. She could write whatever she wanted... But something told her she probably shouldn't.

With a groan, she flopped down onto her stomach, pulling the book over in front of her to stare at it some more. If she really tried, she'd definitely remember what it all meant... She just had to get back into the mindset of a student, rather than the adult she'd been for so long. Of course, if she was still a student, she'd likely be even more horrified at what she was wearing, how she'd been getting treated... She'd been so concerned with making everyone was aware of how mature she was, that she wasn't a kid anymore, back then, constantly, not helped at all by her tiny stature. Now, for the most part, people just knew, and she could afford heels and padded bras to help her sell the image better. The few times they didn't, like when she was at a restaurant with Harrison, it made her feel worse, but at work, and with her friends, she didn't have to worry about it.

As a schoolgirl, though, her mother would never have approved of those, and certainly not for her to wear at school. She was constantly being asked if she'd gotten lost and wound up in the wrong classroom, or even the wrong building, if she should be at middle school instead of high school. Some of that, she was pretty sure, was just teasing, just people - like Hazel - being mean to her... However, more than once it had come from teachers, or people who sounded sincere.

If this had happened back then, if she'd been mistaken for a bedwetting little kid, and put into diapers, it would have crushed her. She'd probably still be in her bedroom, crying about it... She was definitely handling it better than she would have at that age, although how much better was a whole different question. Her coping strategy so far had been to give in and do what she was told... Like a good little girl... Was that really any better, now that she thought about it?

"It doesn't look like you're working." 

Janet jumped, blushing as she turned, saw Zella standing in the doorway, staring at her. She squirmed, easily sinking into the mindset of herself as a student, and how terrified she'd been of Zella and her other, popular friends... Some things, it seemed, never changed. "I-I am!" she protested. "I-I was thinking, and..!"

"All right," Hazel squinted at her suspiciously. "I'd better not find out you're just goofing off in here. It might be the weekend, but I asked you to take care of this, so I expect you to do it. Understand?"

"Y-Yes, ma'am!" Janet nodded. "I'm working on it!"

"I hope so," Zella replied. "I'd ask if you need help, but I know this is your favorite subject, so I'm sure you're doing fine... Or would be, if you'd get started."

"I have started!" Janet whined, fidgeting nervously as Hazel walked over closer to her, staring down at her blank paper.

"Started on what?" she teased, leaning down. "Wetting your diaper?" Janet blushed, feeling a pat on the back of her diaper, glad she, in fact, hadn't done that yet. Zella wasn't done, however, running her hand over the smooth, crinkly plastic, slipping a couple fingers into the legholes, giving Janet a thorough check, as if she couldn't believe that Janet could still be completely dry after breakfast, and being on her own for a few minutes.

"Wow," she sounded genuinely impressed, making it more embarrassing. "Good job! Remind me to get you a sticker later, sweetie."

A sticker?! That wasn't what she wanted! Janet was wanting to earn back her big girl - or, rather, her regular - panties, not get some dumb, childish prize like that... But, speaking of that... "Umm," she blushed, staring up at the girl crouched over her, feeling so tiny and helpless in her crop top and diaper, especially given the request she had. "S-Since you're here, could you...? Uh... W-Will you please...?"

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Hazel grinned, giving Janet the distinct feeling she knew, that she was enjoying watching her struggle to make herself say it. She really didn't want to, didn't feel like she should have to... But they were the rules now.

"Could you please...?" Janet started again, having to look away in embarrassment to find the strength to get any further.

But Zella was having none of that. She stepped around the girl, kneeling down further, putting a finger under her chin and pushing it upwards, forcing her to look her in the eye. "What is it, Prissy?" she asked. "If you need something, then just ask. If not, I'm going to have to assume you're trying to get out of doing your homework..."

Janet whimpered, shaking her head, trying to break free of the younger girl's grip, her attempts to get into the mindset of herself as a schoolgirl having worked too well, reminding her of the many times she'd seen these same eyes in the past, thinking of how much her life would have been over then, if Zella had found her like this, all diapered up, much less if Hazel had done it to Janet herself... Janet wouldn't have been surprised if Hazel would have brought a diaper to school for her, forced her into it, made her parade through the building in it, showing it off to everyone...

Her mother would never have let her wear a shirt this small to school, yet that was exactly what she imagined herself in, struggling to keep up with Zella's longer stride, the girl keeping a firm grip on one of her wrists, Janet's other hand desperately trying to hide the bulky diaper, but uncertain whether to shield the front or the back from view, having to choose since there was nothing else to cover the rest... She could see the other students jeering, pointing, laughing...

"Prissy!" Janet let out a yelp as her backside was given a sharp swat, snapping her out of her terrifying fantasy. "I asked you to do your homework, so I expect you to do it. Do you understand?"

"Y-Yes, ma'am," Janet blushed and nodded.

"If you haven't made some progress by the time I come back in here, I'm going to be very upset with you," Zella lectured. "Do you want that?"

Janet gulped, shook her head. "N-No, ma'am."

"I didn't think so. Now, get to work." Finally, she stood back up, turned away. 

Janet swallowed, gathering up her courage, which was so much easier without having to stare her bully in the face, as was the question she'd been trying to ask. "C-Can you please take me to the bathroom?"

When Hazel turned around again, she was smirking, immediately alerting Janet that she wasn't going to get what she wanted. "I certainly can," she said smugly. "I'm capable of it... The real question is will I? Or, alternately, whether you may go to the bathroom."

"Fine," Janet rolled her eyes. She knew that, of course, since she'd always done so much better in English than math, just like she knew it was pedantic to get stuck on things like that. "Will you please take me?" Now that the question itself had been answered, she could follow it up without saying the last part, the part that was the hardest to spit out, even with Zella staring down at her.

It was almost like Hazel sensed that, and was trying to make it as difficult, and humiliating, on her as possible. "Take you where? Shopping? Not right now, sweetie."

"You know where!" Janet kicked her feet behind her in frustration.

"Prissy," Zella gave her a warning look. "Are you getting fussy already?" Janet pouted, shook her head. "Then where do you want me to take you?"

"I just asked!" Janet groaned, but it was clear that wasn't good enough. "W-Will you please take me to..." she squirmed, forced herself to keep going, knowing Hazel would only keep going if she let her, "the b-bathroom?"

After all that, Hazel didn't take a moment to consider, didn't pretend to have to think about it. "No," she answered immediately. "You've wasted enough time already, and I need to get back to the dishes. I was just checking on you."

"B-But...!" Janet gasped, hand balling up into fists of futile fury. 

"I'll come get you when I'm finished," Hazel told her. "Or, if you get done before me, you can come get me. Surely you can hold it a little longer, can't you?"

It didn't look like she was going to get a choice. "Yes, ma'am," she sulked, watching Hazel strut off, then turning back to her homework.

She did need to pee, although the need hadn't bothered her that much... Until she started thinking about it, making it the main focus of her conversation. Now, she honestly wasn't sure how much longer she could wait, or dared to, considering everything that had happened the day before. She definitely wasn't going to get through this kind of homework in time to get to the toilet before she peed her pants.

Then again... Did she have to? Was Hazel really going to check her work? How good was she at math? Would she know the difference? Nobody else would be seeing the answers... What would it matter if they were wrong?

Of course, that wasn't really what she'd been told to do... She was supposed to do her homework like a good girl, and just jotting down the first number that came to mind didn't exactly qualify. She wiggled in place, trying to judge how full her bladder actually was, how much was in her mind, if she could make it through all these problems in time...

And, on the other hand, there was another option. Hazel wasn't there... She was in the kitchen, washing dishes. The sound of running water would probably help Janet out, keep Zella from hearing her sneak away as easily, down the hall and to the bathroom... There was no way she'd have the guts to flush, but whenever they went in next, she could hope Janet didn't notice, or think about it, or would assume she'd forgotten to flush herself, or...

Janet shook her head; if she spent too long fretting over this, she'd never make a choice in time. She had to decide what she was going to do now, or she was definitely going to end up wetting herself again, and she didn't want to let that happen. What was the best way for her to prevent that, though?

Should she...

Do her homework properly, like a good girl, and hope Hazel finished with the dishes and came to check on her before it was too late?

Rush through her homework so she had something to show Hazel to prove she was finished?

Or sneak to the bathroom herself?