Published: April 4th 2020, 2:00:02 pm
"Excuse me, everyone?" Nanny announced, the family seated at the table turning, seeing her standing in the doorway, Val cowering behind her. "Valerie has an announcement to make."
Valerie groaned softly, cheeks burning, but a few swats to her exposed thighs prompted her to scoot forward, the same way they'd urged her out of her bedroom, despite her severe reservations about walking around in the t-shirt and diaper Nanny had put her in. She knew they were the precursor to a real spanking, that if she didn't shape up and do what she was told, that's what she was going to get, but it didn't do much to make her feel better about her situation, about giving in and doing what she'd been ordered.
"I-I'm a bedwetter," she mumbled, staring down at her feet, the bulge of the diaper around her waist taking up more of her field of view than she liked to admit, or think about. She could hear Summer snickering, wanted to tell the truth, that she'd wet herself while she was awake, and trapped in bed, but she didn't have the guts to cross Nanny.
"What was that?" the woman asked.
Valerie stomped her foot, and got another tap on the leg, a bit harder this time, telling her she was pushing it. "I-I'm a b-bedwetter," she repeated, a little louder. "I-I wet the bed last night."
"At least," Nanny took over, pushing the pacifier into Val's mouth, which instantly filled with more prune juice. "She was soaked when I got her up this morning, even after the little talk we had last night. And we all know, if it happened once, there's a good chance it's been happening for a while."
Val's face lit up red, desperately wanting to defend herself, though glad she couldn't, really, since it would probably be called a lie, and lead to her over Nanny's lap in front of everyone, or standing in the corner of the living room for a good portion of the morning with a bar of soap in her mouth. It was for the best... But she still hated the idea of her whole family believing she was a bedwetter, like her older step-sister, who was absolutely loving this.
Speaking of Summer, Valerie realized only then that the girl was seated at the table, her high chair open, which ruined the surprise when, a moment later, Nanny picked her up and put her down in it, locking the tray in place. Val had been eating there more than the person it had been bought for had! She was really starting to miss the freedom of a normal chair, where she could sit however she wanted, squirm around without being follow by the crinkle of the seat, and her diaper, get up whenever she liked...
Breakfast was oatmeal once again, and, once again, there was no spoon, forcing her to messily eat the mush with her hands, with everyone watching, since they were already done, or mostly done, with their own food. She tried her hardest to do it neatly, to not make herself look like more of a toddler than she already did, but it was impossible; oatmeal was not the dish to do that with.
As soon as she was finished, the paci went back in, Nanny removing the tray, then immediately lifting the girl onto her hip, carrying her to the bathroom to wash up, and then to her bedroom. "I think you ought to stay in here," she lectured, "and think about how you want to behave for the rest of the weekend if you want to continue to be a big girl. I've already been looking at cribs and changing tables for this room, and you'd better believe I'll be ordering them if you aren't on your very best behavior."
Valerie gulped, nodded, mumbled, "Yes, ma'am," automatically, only to wrinkle her nose as a fresh torrent of juice squeezed out into her mouth, accompanied by a fresh trickle of warmth into her waiting diaper, her already saturated body unable to take that much new liquid at once without getting rid of some.
"Honestly?" Nanny shook her head, reaching down to check Val's diaper, removing any hope the girl had that the accident wasn't big enough to be noticeable. She wasn't sure if it was visible from the outside of the diaper or not... It could be that the woman was so used to seeing people wetting themselves, that was what tipped her off; Val didn't know if that was any better. "Do you just want me to go hit 'Buy Now', and end this charade?"
Val shook her head desperately, staying silent this time, face red and hot and frantic. "Hmm," Nanny pursed her lips, looking her up and down. "You're on thin ice, Valerie. And you can stay in that diaper for a while to remind you of how immature you're behaving... It can handle a couple more 'accidents.'"
Valerie whimpered, stomping her foot, pointing up at the pacifier. To her surprise, Nanny humored her, removed it. "I-It was an accident!" she swore, still blushing at the implication of the way the woman had said that last word. "Th-That pacifier, it's... I-I know it's silly, but it's magic! It's making me drink, a-and..."
"Making you drink?" Nanny raised an eyebrow, clearly hearing this as the imagination of a little girl trying to get out of trouble.
"I-It is!" Val pouted. "It's pouring juice down my throat, and I can't help it, and..."
"Where would it be coming from, Valerie?" Nanny demanded. "Look at how tiny it is..." She pinched the nipple between two fingers, and it flattened, just the way any other paci would. "Nothing in there," she declared, wiping it off on her apron. "That's not even a very good lie, young lady, so I'll overlook it this time... Really, I'd think someone as clever as you could come up with something better."
Valerie shook her head, opened her mouth, trying to explain, only to get the pacifier pushed back in between her lips, the prune juice instantly returning, leaving her helplessly gulping it down, and dribbling a bit more into her soggy diaper, while Nanny left, closing the door behind her, shaking her head.
This was all right, Valerie told herself. Yes, her diaper was definitely going to be drenched by the time Nanny let her leave the room, but this gave her the chance she needed to once more look for the ring. This was it, her last-ditch effort to find the thing... She was more certain than ever it had existed, and had been magic, that, if she found it, she could reverse all this... Not just the humiliating start to today, but the past week, her demotion from high school senior to a dorky little elementary school girl who still needed diapers.
She'd already looked in the obvious places, and that hadn't worked, so today, she was looking everywhere. She didn't just rifle through her drawers, she tore everything out, tossing it aside, until they were all empty, stacked beside her desk; she dragged everything out of her closet, things she hadn't seen in years, checking pockets, and boxes, and bags... Everything. This had gone way too far... She was going to do whatever it took to find this stupid ring, today!
She could feel her diaper slowly growing wetter, the padding bunching up between her legs, sagging slightly, but she couldn't let herself be distracted by that. Nanny already knew she was wet, after all, and if she kept running to the bathroom every five minutes to satisfy her over-full bladder, she'd never get anywhere with this. It was surprisingly hard work, searching through everything she owned, almost making her glad Nanny hadn't put any pants on her, and keeping her from doing it herself when she got to the closet and began pulling them out, patting them down, and tossing them aside.
By the end, her whole body was hot and sticky, covered in sweat... And she was still empty-handed. It turned out her problem, those other times, hadn't been that she wasn't looking hard enough; the ring wasn't there. At least she knew for sure now, she thought, surveying the damage. It looked like a tornado had hit her room, and, as much time as she'd spent doing this, it would take much longer to get everything back in place.
What else did she have to do today? Never mind that this was the day of prom, a day she'd been waiting years and years on, and had been planning every aspect of, at least until Anita took over and changed everything. She wasn't even supposed to leave her room!
"Val, do you want some... What is this?!"
Valerie spun around, blushing as she saw Alice standing there, not having bothered to knock - just like the room belonged to a child, not a grown woman - gaping. "Valerie!" she scolded. "What is wrong with you?! Is this how you react when Nanny embarrasses you a little?"
Val shook her head, desperately mumbling behind the pacifier. Did her step-mother really think this was an epic over-reaction, a huge tantrum she'd thrown over the incident at breakfast?! She couldn't defend herself, however, and her attempts to only gave her more juice to swallow.
"And why didn't you come get one of us if it was that bad?!" Alice shook her head, looking at the girl in disgust. Val glanced down, cheeks red as she saw a trickle of wetness running down the inside of her thigh. She was leaking! All that movement probably hadn't helped, and she'd already been so warm and sweaty, she hadn't noticed...
"What's going on?" Valerie groaned, seeing her father pop up in her doorway, too, clearly having overheard at least part of the conversation. "Valerie!" he snapped. "This is not acceptable, young lady!"
She was shown that in no uncertain terms as she wound up over Nanny's lap again, facing down the hairbrush. Her pacifier was taken out, but she didn't have time to say anything before her mouth was busy yelping in pain, and, once it was all done, the paci went right back in while Nanny taped her into a double diaper on Summer's changing table.
"I would tell you that I expected you to clean up every bit of that mess you made, but there's not much point, is there? Most of the stuff in there is much too mature for you, clearly. Your parents and I are going to go through it all, now that you've laid it all out for us like this, and decide what you can be allowed to keep, and what we'll be donating. While you're waiting, you'll be staying here," she picked the girl, in her massive, new diaper, up, plopping her down in Summer's crib, locking the side with a definitive click, "and thinking about what you've done, while your sister gets some extra screen time in her playpen."
Valerie whimpered, grabbing at the bars, watching helplessly as Nanny walked away, closing the door behind her, leaving the girl trapped in her big sister's nursery. Val looked around, heart pounding, looking at all the giant baby furniture, the toys, the scent of baby powder, with a slight undercurrent of old diapers from the pail beside the crib, invading her nose. Was this her future? Was she going to wind up like this, too? Was there any way to stop it at this point?!
She made a few lame, and predictably unproductive, attempts to scale the wall of the crib, but she knew from the start there was no chance of getting out. Summer hadn't escaped, in the many years she'd been sleeping here, and she was taller than Val; Valerie would be stuck here as long as Nanny wanted her to be. It wasn't fair! When she'd been young, she'd thought all this stuff was cute, and, as she got a little older, and closer to the age Summer had been when this all began, it started to make her a bit more uncomfortable with every passing year, and she'd gone in less and less... Now, she was trapped there, and she couldn't even use this opportunity to look for the ring! All she really could do, like it or not, was what Nanny had told her, which was to sit and think about what she'd done, like a naughty little toddler.
She would have loved to prove she didn't need the diapers she was wearing, but obviously that wasn't in the cards. She was still being force-fed juice, in a crib she couldn't get out of, unable to call out for help, so, by the time Nanny returned for her, she was pretty soggy, although not enough to warrant a change, apparently, given that the woman checked her, then took her out to the dining room without a change.
"Don't think that your time-out is over, young lady," she lectured as they walked. "I'd say you still have another couple hours to go, seeing as you haven't bothered to apologize for your behavior yet."
Valerie stomped her foot in frustration - how could she apologize with this pacifier stuck in her mouth?! - and, as soon as she was in the high-chair and the paci was removed, she blurted out, "I'm really sorry, okay? I learned my lesson!"
"That would have meant a lot more if I hadn't had to tell you to say it," Nanny shook her head. This was so unfair... There was no way for her to win!
Was this what it had been like for Summer? Val pondered as she was spoon-fed a heaping bowl of baby food and a hefty bottle of milk. Had she been trapped, with no real way out once it had all begun? It had been a long time ago - which made it even scarier, really, imagining herself still being like her sister that long from now - but she would have considered apologizing... If she had a chance to speak.
Nanny was an expert at this by now, and likely had been before starting to care for Summer, since there had been a reason she was the one chosen for the job. There was little time between gulps or bites, no chance for her to join in on the conversation, or do anything but eat, her tummy feeling more and more miserable with every bite, and drink, her diaper slowly growing wetter as she did. All this liquid in her system was taking her down that final step, stripping away any semblance of continence she had left, as she'd already learned there was no point trying to stop it. She could only hope it wasn't permanent, that once she could get people to stop giving her the pacifier, she'd still have control...
But, soon as she had drained her bottle, in the infernal thing went again. "Wow," Nanny commented, lifting Val out of her high-chair and setting her on the floor, giving her padded backside a pat. "I don't know where it all comes from. You're just a little fountain today, aren't you?" Valerie blushed, feeling how much heavier the garment was between her legs, how right Nanny was. "Toddle on back to the changing table, and I'll get your cleaned up before you finish your time-out. If I find you anywhere other than right beside it, you'll regret it, understand?"
Val gulped, staring at Nanny's waggling finger, nodded. However, when she waddled her way down the hall, she couldn't help making a pit stop. Her stomach twisted as she pushed open the door to her own room, getting a good look at the progress that had been made in there so far. So many books, and posters, and trophies from academic competitions and... Well, anything that indicated a high school senior had lived here... were gone. She hoped they were getting packed away, and Nanny had been exaggerating, talking about donating everything.
Her closet door was open, too, and, while there was a small pile on the floor that hadn't been sorted through yet, there was almost nothing hanging inside, the few things that remained being outfits from her younger days that she always forgot about when they were getting things together to take to Goodwill, or put into a yard sale, or clothes she'd gotten for Christmas from distant relatives that clearly thought she was about a decade younger than she really was, which was strangely prescient now, considering that, if she didn't find that ring, she'd be going to school with kids a decade younger than her. And, assuming nothing else had changed, still unable to answer questions correctly, making her look like she was dumber than all of them, despite having passed all the classes she was taking the first time, with flying colors, before they'd even been born.
She shuddered. She had to find the ring... She couldn't go through that. But she already knew it wasn't here, and she hadn't stopped by to gape at the wreckage of her old life. She crept her way across the floor, careful not to disturb anything until she got to her desk. They hadn't made it there yet, thankfully. It was old, had been Summer's at one time, and all the drawers squeaked if you opened them too quickly. She'd been using it for a long time by now, and was used to it, knew just the right way to do it... Although, right now, her hands were shaking from adrenaline, and anger at whatever had made her end up in this position, which made her slow down even more to prevent any accidents, and alert her family what she was up to.
She hadn't heard the drawers open, which had given her hope, since she doubted any of them knew the secret. Even Summer, who probably hadn't been in there if she had been plopped down in front of cartoons all morning, hadn't used the desk in years, and had likely forgotten the correct procedure... And why would they care to be subtle about it anyway?
Sure enough, there it was, where she'd left it, afraid if she didn't set it aside, it would get lost in the jumble of her search. She grabbed her phone, wanting to give it a big kiss, but settling for putting it down on top of the desk - realizing she had no pockets at the moment - so she could shut the drawer. After half a morning of staring at the walls and doing nothing, the phone was a blessing from heaven, a gift to keep her from going crazy before Nanny decided she'd 'learned her lesson', though she knew she had to be responsible and listen for the sound of the woman's footsteps approaching... If she was caught with it, she'd definitely lose it, and probably be expected to spend the rest of the day by herself, in the crib.
She tip-toed her way back to Summer's room, looking around for a good hiding place, finally tucking the phone away under the pillow and the crib and stepping next to the changing table to wait... Just in time, the door swinging open almost the instant she was in position. Her heart began to flutter anxiously, worried she'd been a hair too slow, that Nanny had spotted her getting there... Or that she'd been watching, and knew about the phone...
"So you can be a good girl," the woman mused, stepping closer, towering over the tiny, diapered teen, who squirmed for a moment before being picked up, laid down on the table for a change. "Why don't you do it more often? You used to... I really don't know what's gotten into you this past week, Valerie... You know I hate to do this to you, because you used to be such a sweet little helper... But if you can't behave better, it's for the best. Isn't it?"
Val wasn't sure how to respond; she never wanted to disagree with Nanny, or risk getting her angry, although she also didn't want to act like she thought this was the right thing for her, that she belonged in diapers, deserved to be wearing them, and using them.
"Hmph," Nanny raised an eyebrow. "If you don't improve that attitude, little lady, I have a feeling we're going to be doing this for quite a while."
Valerie got put in two diapers, again, deposited back in the crib. She waited for Nanny to leave, then gave it an extra few seconds, as long as she could stand, before diving under the pillow, grabbing her phone. She flopped down on her stomach, unlocking it, scrolling through her apps for a minute or two, evaluating her choices. Compared to this morning, she had so many options for entertaining herself... She could almost forget everything else, if not for the constant drip of juice, the bulk forcing her legs apart and crinkling with her every movement, the feeling of bars bumping against her feet if she swung them too far...
Not thinking, going off instinct alone, she opened Instagram first, and immediately began to regret it. She'd known what today was, of course, but she hadn't thought about what it would mean... Her entire feed was filled with pictures of people getting ready for prom. While she'd been trapped here, piddling her Pampers, they were getting their hair and nails done, trying their dresses on...
She sniffled softly, staring at them, looking so pretty, so grown-up... And here she was, looking, and feeling, more infantile than ever! She blushed as she came across a picture of Stacy and Parker, already dressed up and ready to go, a full day of activities planned, according to the caption... She thought back to a few days ago, when Stacy had offered to take her instead, and make Parker go on his own; now, Stacy had turned her back on her completely, betrayed her, not helping defend her against Anita, acting like she didn't even know her...
And, speak of the Devil, there Anita was. Val had only followed her because she was on the council, and she didn't want to make it seem like she was playing favorites against her, even if that was true. She followed the rest of the council, so she had to follow Anita, even though she usually either scrolled past, or made fun of, the girl's pictures when they came up. Now, however, it was impossible.
As awful as the cheerleader was, she looked absolutely gorgeous, posing in her room in her dress. If Val had run into her on the dance floor, even if none of this had happened, even if she were still in big girl panties, and her own prom dress and heels, even if she hadn't wound up back in braces and glasses over the past week, she would have felt like a dorky kid next to her.
Now, lying in a crib, in a pair of extra-bulky diapers... Of course the council had tossed aside Valerie's orders and went with hers. Anita was clearly an adult, more than ready to head out into the real world and conquer it, and Val? She was just a dumb, pathetic, little diaper-wetting baby. It wasn't even a contest... There was no way they could be the same age; Valerie hardly felt like she was the same species at the moment.
And that was before she managed to make herself scroll down again, and saw what Anita had posted to her secret account. She really didn't know why Anita asked her to follow that one, too... It was filled with the things she didn't want her parents, or teachers, or admissions officers at the colleges she was applying to, to see... Maybe she was showing off, trying to make Val see how lame she was, that she didn't do any of that... Or perhaps she just wanted to boost her follower count.
Valerie's cheeks lit up, once again unable to tear her eyes away from the screen. The cheerleader was wearing what was, no doubt, the new lingerie she'd taunted Valerie with the day before, the caption reading, 'Just a few more hours, Johnny,' with a winky face emoji. 'Hope you can wait that long!'
As she recalled that conversation, she couldn't help also remembering what Anita had predicted for what should have been Valerie's prom night... Given how the day was going, Val was definitely going to still be in double diapers, and, seeing as she'd been put to bed by six the night before, and couldn't stop getting in trouble, she had no reason to doubt it would happen again today. She wriggled in place, feeling the damp patch that had already formed in her diaper, without her noticing it. At six, they'd probably be heading out to restaurants to eat... By the time prom was over, and Anita and Johnny made their way to that hotel room, there was no way Valerie's diapers wouldn't be drenched.
She'd been teasing, and making what were, really, pretty informed guesses, but, at the same time, it was impossible to ignore the accuracy of them. Was this her fault? Had she done this?! Val couldn't imagine how Anita could have known about the ring, much less got her hands on it, which gave her hope that, somehow, the other girl had used something else, and the ring was still here, somewhere, for her to use herself...
Because if it was, Valerie was definitely going to find it, and she was going to make Anita pay, no matter what it took.