Published: January 1st 2025, 12:43:59 am
hey all, this is just an excuse for this, if u allow some words out of this fool behind the art, tl;dr thank you for your support by keeping the lights on, and i wish u an awesome 2025 from the bottom of my heart
I'm very lucky i am, its been a hell o a year and despite all, despite every background, you're all here
To everyone that gave me a chance and many that gave me more, thank you, i wouldn't be here without u, whether you're old or new here, to those that are leaving or already left, or reading this elsewhere, everything counted every reaction, every comment, hell just being a stranger just appreciating the art, i will always be in debt for that
i would be nothing without u guys, this community has given me all,
maybe its not my place to say this, but if u ever felt lonely or that what's the point of all, at least from my end, u made a difference, u matter and u deserve to be loved
and to see this 2025 as a new opportunity to grow, personally, step by step, to learn to forgive urself, to tr and live u best live
Lots of blessings, and happy new year yall!!