
Monthly Update!

Published: December 2nd 2022, 6:26:09 am


Hey everyone! I'm 1 day behind on posting this. Boo! Chapter 11 will post in about 11.5 hrs.

Another month is down and we're fully in the holiday season, with luck we shall all survive with our sanity and wallets intact. Anyone have any plans? My family and I have a couple concerts that we are going to, but other than those, we're staying home and keeping it simple. 

We are full speed into book 2 and I hope you guys are enjoying it so far! I don't have too much news to spread other than I finally get my household goods shipment tomorrow, which is amazing. Three months of sleeping on air mattresses and only having 3 chairs as furniture is not fun.

Story-wise, that means I get my desktop which will make writing so much easier. Sitting on a chair at my kitchen island does not make for a comfortable writing experience.

I mentioned in a few places that 2 / 4 of the Adaega side story parts are done. I'll be writing another after I finish writing another chapter or two of Gwyn for the ol' backlog. For the Artificer tier, expect those once a week, starting next week. 

We start the two-a-week schedule next week, so expect chapter drops on Mondays and Thursdays. The chapters have been getting longer, so overall I think the quality is improving, if not, give me your thoughts! My admin week this month will be Christmas week. There will likely still be a side-story chapter that week.

The next side-story poll will likely be in January. I have two more ideas for who we can see, so I'm excited about that.

The next patreon goal is at 50 patrons and that will up the advance chapters to 11. Beyond that, at 75 I'm going to commission art of Gwyn. Definitely gonna be magic involved there.

Lastly, I'd love for you guys to come hang out in discord and chat up the story or anything else on your mind!