Published: November 30th 2023, 5:48:10 pm
Intimacy training is a vital part of a Shar cleric's arsenal.
I thought this was as fun idea that could also test the optimization of my models. I was happy to see they performed quite efficiently despite their numbers, with no real technical issues. Plus it was a bit of a challenge combining three separate interactions with Shadowheart -- then looping them together.
Also I really like how it turned out visually. Usually lighting this stuff is a mess but I was able to win quite a few battles I didn't expect to, without too much effort either. I don't do a lot of darker drow so I wanted the right place to try them out. I was thinking about going with a wider variety of skin tones or even races, but I really liked the frame the drow created. They were able to form a sort of analogue vignette around Shadowheart, not only creating a value difference but a color difference as well, all while maintaining decent clarity of detail. Plus, darker drow are more on-theme for Shar anyways.
Though perhaps if you're not familiar with the race then the effect could work too well, making them seem manually desaturated even though there was no post processing done.