Published: January 29th 2022, 10:48:37 pm
Right: I took a little while to update this month because I was focused on being busy and I didn't have much to say, so I'm kind of merging updates here because it would feel weird if I technically missed one.
I haven't forgotten about Gorgon, I'm just trying to spread my efforts around a little. December was as rough as it was surprising for me. I've gotten into kind of a groove these past few years and usually I can push through those later year projects in December but I just found myself unable. Something needed to change.
Working on a bunch of different projects has worked out well for me so far. It gets me excited to work on things again and if I'm not into what I'm doing I can just hop around. Being tied down to one thing really sucks. I have a really hard time giving up and I think it can drag me down sometimes. To this date I've only ever given up on a handful of things; none of them sizeable. Maybe it's just all in my head but we'll see how this method works for me going forward. As my technical and skill-related issues resolve it has become more about what makes me tick, which is much harder to tackle.
So here's to a better year. Thanks for the support!