
Wip - More changes for the next update

Published: November 29th 2017, 6:25:22 am

noir_nuitfree main image

In addition to the rig, I'm working on something that many have told me that I should edit or change, the size of the testicules and the curvature of the penises. The curvature is less pronuncied so this will help to the penises work better with the new rig and aslo it will help to the animators to work with them. 

Now the testicles have a size proportional at the size of the penis. In the case of average and big, the testicles do not have difference, the size works perfectly for both but in case of small and extra big (the last of the right) the size of the testicles is very different.

Finally I need to finish to rig the last size and of course dit his curvature and the size of the testicles as well for the soft versions. 

To be honest. The version for females it will not be ready before the end of this month. I sucks I know, but after trying to rig them I realised that the high of the pelvis and the position of the penis of females it will not work with the rig as well as the version for males, so, after finish the version of males I will comeback to edit the version of females for make it work with the rig as should be.