Published: April 9th 2024, 4:14:34 pm
Hey all!
Sorry for the long wait. It has been a busy week.
As voted by the community, Kasumi forces herself to push herself instead of catching her breath...
Immediately after the crescent kick, Kasumi follows up with another strike to Rig's chin. She must not allow him to regain his senses...
The strike puts her into a natural spin, ending its course in a back elbow strike to his sternum! A tit for tat!
As Rig tries to cover up and defend, Kasumi leaps forward, aiming a jumping knee strike straight down the middle, piercing through his guard! Crunch!
As gravity starts to pull her down, Kasumi's hands find purchase on Rig's shoulders...
For a moment, it was as if time had slowed, and Kasumi sees everything. With Rig's shoulders arresting her downward momentum, she perches on top of him, tucking in her knees... =)
The next poll will start in a day or two...