
New changes coming October!

Published: September 28th 2021, 3:00:14 pm


Hey yall!
Few things happening!

As you may have followed on twitter, this month actually did not have funding for pin of the month, but was generously donated so the werewolf pin could happen.
This being said, Stickers were set to now go out to all members for the same cost (They use to only go out to premium tiers), but this bonus will be starting as of October since it is an investment for me, but no change of price for you~

Discontinuation of Itty bitty premium tiers:
We currently have too many tiers. Both Itty bitty premium tiers will be discontinuing, and a COLLECTORS tier will be put up.
Currently, collectors would be billed separately since the amount of pins would change each month, but now that there will be a SET amount of pins, this will be the way to get the full monthly lineup including the itty bittys.

Collectors tier will include pin of the month, the mini pin, sticker of the POTM design, all 6 character pins, both itty bitty pins, a piece of candy and tracked shipping.
Since Itty bitty premium is $~50 for all but the extra 3  character pins and tracked shipping, I believe I will be pricing it $75 for Canada/ $80 for US/ INT~
Thats a total of 7 full size pins, 2 itty bitty pins, 1 mini pin, 1 sticker and tracked shipping!
Collectors packages are always the FIRST packed up, and the FIRST shipped!

There are currently 24 patreons within both Itty bitty double premium tiers and I will be sending out messages to everyone offering either to downgrade to the regular premium, or to upgrade to collectors :)
Collectors tier will go live Oct 1 after the payout

Sorry for all of the changes! Trying to find out what works best and is best to manage :)


Invoices just went out, please note as above, this will be the LAST invoice as we are switching to a tier! I will ensure to contact you all individually when the tier goes live so you can continue your collection :)