
Update + screenshots

Published: September 10th 2022, 7:32:00 pm

miss_bellaxx main image
miss_bellaxx image #0
miss_bellaxx image #1
miss_bellaxx image #2

First of all, thanks to everyone who sent in pics after my last post!


I made some good progress on the game in the past week:

The store system is working flawlessly. It's mostly taken from HHHE. You can buy clothes for now but more items will be available later.

Dating mechanics are working now. I found a nice way to make dates unique each time, hopefully. Each date will have a conversation injected into it. Conversations will be picked based on the girl's job, her relationship with the player, her personality etc. There will be conversation options each branching off into different results. I think it's pretty cool :) Each option will have different results on the relationship (reminder that relationships are divided between 4 stats this time: friendship, romance, sexual and professional). 

Once again, this is all modular. I can easily add more conversations and all I have to do is add a simple number to an array for the right and they will be in the right pool. All very future-proof and even very mod-friendly, even for people with zero Twine experience. I will be making guides when the time is right for people to mod their own content into the game :) 

Sex mechanics are next and will be similar to HHHE in how they work. 

Playable alpha still on track for later this month as I'm almost done with all basic functionality. Be aware that this will be mostly a tech demo with very little content though!