
Screenshots and updates

Published: September 2nd 2022, 4:54:41 pm

miss_bellaxx main image
miss_bellaxx image #0
miss_bellaxx image #1
miss_bellaxx image #2
miss_bellaxx image #3

The first business is functional. The gas station can be bought and owned and a celeb manager can be hired. This code is universal so I can apply it to all following businesses. This is a maaaaassive step up from MAiH1 where every business had like 10 passages for hiring a manager taking up my time and your PC's memory. 

This also means you can hire any girl you know in-game (meaning every girl whose phone number you have) for any position, not just three I picked like before. Their salary and the boost they give to your business' income is based on their fame stat. You can hire Ariana Grande to manage a gas station, sure, but her salary will always be higher than the boost she gives because the gas station is capped at a certain max income. Hiring her to manage your night club could be profitable though, as it has a higher income cap. This adds a nice management element to it. 

As you can see, the UI is a mix of MAiH1 and HHHE. You can turn off the large banners in the options menu, which I thought was a nice touch :) 

The game is nearing a very early playable state slowly. I had a very productive day today. If I can get a few more of those this month, I'm hoping to release 0.1 before the end of september. No promises though.

Other things I've done lately:

- A small storyline where you go on a date with a (minor) celebrity and pick some starting stats for your character
- The game's first randomized event, meeting Loren Gray at the gas station, also setting up the code for random events for future businesses
- Setting up the start screen and settings menu
- Playing with CSS to get the look I want (if you're a CSS wizard, message me. I suck)
- Adding celebs with stats. There is 9 total now. Why so few? Because I'm adding them as I need them in the story. This makes it easier if I add a new stat and only have to add it to a dozen instead of 80+ girls.