
Conversation mechanics bulletpoints + quick screenshot

Published: October 20th 2021, 10:48:02 pm

miss_bellaxx main image

Hi all! It's been a while since I posted screenshots. Let me give you some quick pointers as to why :)

First of all, I've been quite busy. Birthdays, family, that sort of stuff. Also been really tired, so I'm not gonna lie to you all, I've been working less on it than before.

Second of all, I started working on the conversation system with the celebrities. Lately I've been thinking up a great system that will make conversations and relationship building a lot more dynamic. I'll try and give a quick explanation:

  • Each girl does not have one personality type (like in MAiH) but instead several stats that define her personality
  • Think about: seriousness, determination, depravity, intelligence
  • These stats are on a 1-100 scale
  • These stats can change throughout the game based on actions and player choices
  • This actually makes it easier to code and write conversations because I can easily do a above/below check on the required personality trait
  • Conversations have a buildup through an invisible score system (1-100)
  • You have to make a little small talk before going into the big stuff
  • The better your friendship is with the girl in question, the sooner she'll want to discuss big topics with you (so the friendship is the starting point of the invisible score system)
  • Only good conversations are able to gain you friendship points or change a girl's stats
  • This not only (hopefully) recreates real conversations but also prevents friendship grinding by asking the same things each day
  • On first alpha launch, conversations will be slightly shallow but with time I will add way more options and way more randomization so conversations will differ each time
  • Trying to create actual conversations where girls react to things that happened and where you can actually reply when discussing bigger topics. No guarantee this will work, but I'm definitely trying.
  • Girl's answers will depend on her personality traits, friendship levels and player social skill level

Anyway, that's the quick version of things. It'll be a lot of work and when I first release the alpha build to try for you guys, it'll be very basic with most girls probably giving short answers. Writing takes a lot of time and isn't my priority right now. I want the framework working and filled in at least somewhat (no empty stuff like in MAiH), but with lots of room to add and improve as time allows.

I'll do a similar post on the sex system soon! I think you'll very much like what I have planned there as well :)

(btw, no worries, I'll find a better font before release ;) This one seemed fun in the intro but not so much for the entire game. )