
Today's progress

Published: September 22nd 2021, 1:58:49 am

miss_bellaxx main image
miss_bellaxx image #0
miss_bellaxx image #1
miss_bellaxx image #2
miss_bellaxx image #3

I will just be sharing screenshots whenever I make considerable progress. Might be multiple times a day sometimes, might be a few days without. Today I had a good streak. I did the following:

- Coded the "Explore" menu, letting you go alone or bring one girl

- Coded the first few girls with stats (relationship stats are empty because I cheated the girls in. You'll normally meet them throughout the game and start with an actual relationship level :))

- Added the first location to explore, Santa Monica LA. Locations further from your camp will cost more energy to explore but might give better loot. Some locations might require cars or horses to reach

- Coded the "celebrities" menu, showing you all girls that are currently in your camp

- Coded the "Interact" menu to interact with any celebrity. For now there's Talk (will try to make the conversation system as complex as possible), Sex (pic is blurred for Patreon, obviously won't be in-game!) and Manage (to manage her position, training, weapons etc.)

- Added all 52 celebs' pics to the game. For now they use the MAiH pics as I had those ready and formated. Will eventually try to find pics for all 50 that fit the vibe better.

So far I'm really happy with how things are going. I kinda like the style of the game so far. I'm trying to give it a bleak, dark look through the pictures and GUI styling. I'm very excited to get the framework done and start adding content in the form of quests, girls, locations, items etc!