
Update 08/05

Published: May 8th 2020, 10:33:09 am


Just wanted to give you all a little update on what's coming in the next few weeks/months, hopefully. Our country is slowly lifting the lockdown. That means my girlfriend can get back to work and go out to see friends, which means I finally get my writing days back. Right now writing is confined to small blocks, but I prefer to just write a few hours and really get into that flow where I can finish a couple scenes after one another.

This hopefully means that writing will speed up considerably! But there's no guarantees, as COVID might bite back and return. Please bear with me during this time.

On a sidenote, my birthday is this weekend and I want to thank you all once again for the donations! They'll be buying me and my GF a nice birthday dinner that I probably couldn't have afforded otherwise :-)