miss aphrodite darling

Poll on release date

Published: December 21st 2020, 1:57:05 am


Hi all! Wanted to give a quick update on things. The stuff I've been working on isn't really screenshot-worthy yet but do know that there's work being done! Concerts are mostly done and working, the buyable gym is working perfectly and the new show creation is done. The update will ship with dozens of new girls to hire for both shows and movies.

The ETA for this update was around the end of the year. I probably won't make christmas. The update won't be massive like the last but it'll be decent sized.

However, today I had an... Epiphany I suppose. I've been working on this in my head for ages and I think I've finally got it down, at least in theory. I haven't started implementing it yet because it could take weeks to make it work perfectly and I can't release before it all works. What am I talking about? Possibly the most requested feature: harems/girlfriends/relationship statuses.

All in all, we're talking a complete rework of the relationship features and the way things work. The entire game is basically built around this: building relationships with these girls.  Ideas (no promises they'll make it all, but in theory they should all be possible) include:

- Still only one wife (Sorry! Multiple is too difficult as so many things in the game are based on having one wife) 

- The option to have girlfriends / sidechicks (for sex, dates, threesomes with wife) 

- Hopefully live-in girlfriends

- Personality types for every girl (bratty, shy, slutty, cheerful etc) that change the way you interact with them

- Take them on personalized dates that you choose, results depending on personality type & relationship %. 

- Make her a bootycall/FWB or a girlfriend once the relationship hits high numbers. It's your choice... ánd hers! Again, based on personality types, marital status and relationship % she might refuse one or both.

- Call them up and talk, based on personality and job their responses will change

The idea is that this will all be 95% automated so I don't need to recode it for each girl, I only have to make a new "object" for each that states their name and personality type etc, thus making this possible with almost every girl in the game.

Anyway, implementing all this will take at least 2 weeks to code and test this all, quite possibly more. I got two options now:

Option 1: Release at the end of this year with just the features I got now and then start work on the relationship update
Option 2: Start tomorrow on the new relationship mechanics and release in late january with these done

The benefit of option 2? I can start on it tomorrow. The obvious downside is you'll have to wait a few weeks longer on the update.