Published: July 18th 2022, 11:58:36 am
Hey everyone!
I'm in a bit of a dead end right now; I've done everything I could to appeal and get my main Instagram back and yet, 3 weeks later, no answer, nothing.
I'm really seeking different ways to go around and get it back. This account was my biggest social and if we exclude the business aspect of it, I have all the conversations and links with other cosplayers and friends on it which are really dear to me :(
So I would truly appreciate if you could send an appeal for me (this is a link made for this in particular that is different than the appeals I sent by myself)
You can just fill in with "mikomihokina" for the account name and for the message below:
"She had her account suspended without notice for unknown reason, please bring it back"
Or something like that 😐
It would really help if maybe this gets mass appeals?
Thank you so much 🙏