Published: June 10th 2024, 3:12:16 am
Well hello hello my wonderfuls!
Today's first audio is absolutely amazing. It's a script written by the fantastic and filthy MyDirtySecr3t. Please see the script link and his profile link below. ;) He deserves all the praise!
Premise from the speaker's perspective:
An unexpected phone call reveals a second life your husband has been leading. Complete with apartment, photos, vacations and, unfortunately, a girlfriend. Storming over to wreak havoc, you discover she was as much an innocent bystander to his deceptive ways as you were... with a generous helping of wine, you two decide how best to exploit his insecure cockiness and embarass him in every other aspect of his personal and professional life.
I hope you all enjoy it! I have another audio coming up today or tomorrow. ;)
Have a wonderful day, my darlings.
Your forever girl,
Mia <3