

Published: January 24th 2017, 4:04:43 pm

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Wow. I did it. I successfully produced burlesque on a boat.

There were some ups and downs (often literally) but overall I would say it was an overwhelming success. Our events (two shows and a class/panel) may have been the best attended events and the cruise’s artistic director said that our show was *exactly* what he wanted the whole cruise to be like.

I feel incredibly lucky to have been offered this job but I’m also really proud of the work I did to get it. I didn’t know I was doing that work to get this job, but doing good work and being a nice personare what got me this job. 

The woman who hired me is a friendly colleague but not so close a friend that I can tell myself she only hired me because of our relationship. She could have hired a number of other people, which means she genuinely likes my work. I was actually a little surprised that she’d approached me because we’d had a minor dust up a couple years ago and I didn’t know here well enough to know if she’d hold it against me, but I worked to settle it as amicably and diplomatically as possible, because it didn’t seem like it was worth having bad blood over, and I’m really glad to know that I managed to resolve it well.

Kindness and diplomacy can be a lot of work, especially over the internet. But it’s something I really value and it’s great to have this reminder that it’s worth it.

It’s also been validating to have my nerdlesque lead to something *this* rewarding. Doing nerdlesque has given me some great opportunities but it’s also kicked me in the teeth on several, notable, occasions. I’ve spent the last six months or so questioning what I was doing and why I was doing it, but hearing a room full of people lose their minds when I did that Joker nurse costume reveal reminded me why I do it.

There's much more to come! Hanging out with Stella meant that I had someone reminding me to take photos and videos. Unfortunately, none of that was during the show since we were all running around hosting, performing, and kittening for each other. 

There's much more to come! Hanging out with Stella meant that I had someone reminding me to take photos and videos. Unfortunately, none of that was during the show since we were all running around hosting, performing, and kittening for each other, but stay tuned for some strange and fun images and stories from our travel.