
Peak weirdness

Published: November 7th 2016, 6:41:40 pm

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To be honest, I wasn't even sure I wanted to go to the TV Tower. Every city has a tallest building and, frankly, I never find them all that interesting. Ok, this one looked like a space station, but so does the weird medical school I work for in long island. But David Cerny has an installation there so I figured it was worth checking out. This is one of the best decisions I've ever made. Not only was the weird giant baby sculpture awesome, it wasn't even the weirdest thing there. As you can see from the panel on the left, the tower is pretty weird. The giant babies make it weirder. But look at the top right panel, that thing that looks like a storm gutter fucking a hamster cage. Is it more art? Oh no, my friends, THAT is a hole in a mini-golf course. Yes, mini-golf, that wholesome activity usually associated with cartoonish windmills, is scattered around the giant baby space station, paired down to its most basic components, and redesigned as some kind of post industrial nightmare. And I'm pretty sure this is a PUBLIC PARK. Like, the city of Prague was in charge of this. I was already elated by Prague's bizzare display and was ready to leave happy, but then I passed the icing on the cake, the piece de resistance that crowned this park the epicenter of strangeness in the world. Not only did they erect this colossal alien hive, cover it with babies, and surround it with a mini-golf course that resembled a comunist torture chamber, they put the first hole less than ten feet away from an ancient jewish grave yard. We have hit peak weirdness, ya'll. None more weird.