Published: March 9th 2019, 6:15:53 pm
I was doing fine yesterday till the shower door fell off. Then I was a morass of anger and depression and "why bother doing anything if entropy is just going to fuck it all up again."
But I still had stuff to do so I tried drawing something to see if it made me feel better.
It did. At least for the time I was drawing. It got me to not cancel my plans.
It got me to have a drink with my boyfriend and dinner with my friend, Amy. And then we had an art sleepover where we got drunk and recorded ourselves talking about the projects we're working on.
Amy and I have a lot in common; lots of ideas, lots of interests, lots of perfectionist fears getting in our way. We've been making an effort to get together regularly to report on progress and cheer each other on. It's only been a few months but I really think it's been helping us.