
To Show or Not to Show?

Published: March 3rd 2019, 5:40:34 pm


*friend asks if I would be interested in producing a monthly show*
Me1: I mean, no, right? Like, it's too much work and too little money and you don't have that much to offer burlesque anymore, right?

Me2: But the venue will pay the performers and I wouldn't have to do themes. I wouldn't have to make new acts and forge in the smithy of my soul just to keep the show alive. I could just invite talented performers to do something weird. It could be fun.

Me1: Fun?

Me2: You remember fun, right?

Me1:..... Sort of.

So, yeah, nothing definite yet. But I may be doing a thing. If I do the thing, it will be fun. That's the only way I'll do it.