Published: February 8th 2019, 5:30:09 pm
I started off this year determined to try and focus on just one project at a time. That seemed unrealistic so I committed to focusing on just one visual project and one writing project.
And as you can probably guess from the art I've been posting, that just didn't fucking work. Like at all. Not even a little. And I think I just kinda need to get zen with that. I should still work on finishing long term projects but.... Maybe I should also just be happy that I'm consistently working on art and finishing small things.
I'm still exploring the joys of capture and one of my experiments yielded the above image. I was just kind of messing around but then went "OH! I really like that!"
Perfectionist me is like "That's not the right way to art. You must have a concept, a vision, a point. You must do research and meticulous construction and finally a big presentation of your ART." And crazy performer me is like "Dude, have you ever heard of Jazz? Do you remember how much people liked that stupid shark act that you threw together in less than a day? GTFO with your uptight, college, shit."
So I put it up on my redbubble.
And then I tried the same technique on another photo of mine that I liked.
I'm not sure this one is finished but Maggie really liked it. If I can get it to a place I'm really happy with I might put it on Redbubble, too.
I've also been toying with this design for my redbubble but I'm not quite crazy about it yet.
So ADHD continues to fling my brain around like a pinball but I don't really feel like I can complain?