Published: May 22nd 2018, 4:39:21 pm
But dressing up like Bowie and dancing to his music with a ton of other people was worth it.
I'm really glad that Johnny talked me into going. This was the same day as my article disaster and I was INCREDIBLY depressed. He reminded me that I would feel bad about the article for a long time, but this was the only Night of a Thousand Bowies so I could put off feeling bad for one night. Obviously, feelings are not that easily reasoned with. But I think my therapist got my meds right because, while I still felt terrible, those feelings weren't debilitating. My self hating thoughts were still present, but the volume was lowered on them.
I was lucky enough to have a Bowie-esque jumpsuit already, so I didn't need to worry about creating an outfit. The makeup was hard because most of my makeup is still packed somewhere so I had to make do with whatever was in my travel makeup bag and the contents of an old caboodle that had been in storage for 5 years. I also didn't have white powder so I used flour. It worked but I can't say I recommend it.
The party was as fun as a party can be when your jerkbrain won't shut up. The DJ was great, a really good mix of Bowie (not just his hits) and Bowie related musicians (like Iggy Pop.) The go-go aerialists were wonderful and most of the people came in costume. Even my jerkbrain shut up while I sang and danced to Under Pressure, watching an androgynous aerialist fly above the crowd, showering us with confetti.
I'm glad I could have that one perfect moment.