Published: December 19th 2017, 2:15:33 pm
Unfortunately that session was also on a day when I had to GTA in Piscataway at 8:30 in the morning so I was working/traveling from 6am to 1am and the next day I was so tired I could barely move.
I've been trying to plan my 2018, but that's been difficult since I may or may not be moving in January. I have some financial goals, and some creative projects that I know I want to work on, but it's hard to schedule those things when January is just sitting there going "????"
For creative projects I think I'm going to focus on my screenplay first since I can write pretty much anywhere and I should be able to carve out time even in the midst of moving/packing if that ends up happening.
What are you all planning for next year? What are you hoping for?