Published: May 3rd 2017, 4:19:47 pm
I grew up in a costume shop so I know that sewing isn't magic. Rather it's a combination of hard work, immeasurable patience, and a vast array of technical knowledge. I have small fraction of that knowledge and even less of the required patience, which is why a pretty great idea is currently this tragic regresty candidate.
This is the result of a difficult fabric choice, my limited knowledge of patterning, and a mannequin that is not close enough to my body to make something that fits *super* well. And I'm glad that I was sensible enough to see that my reach had far exceeded my grasp this time. It was time to bring in the ringer.
I'm lucky enough to know a number of *actually* skilled people and I took this to the professional costumer I assist sometimes. It'll be an easy fix for him, though he was already planning to send me angry texts for my choice of fabric and zipper. And my time will be freed up to do the other crazy stuff I have planned for this costume.