Published: July 12th 2021, 3:04:13 am
Hi everyone just keeping you all up to date on what's going on with the vid. Captiva 2 is almost complete.
-All that is left are two transition poses that I wanted to add to get the vid to flow better instead of just cutting to black all the way through like always. The poses in this vid are my attempt at making more dynamic poses instead of the standard just pump as fast as possible. I also changed a few things in the room to give it some more life.
-While working on the rendering I noticed that all of the reflection lightings on the water started to give me a headache. I not sure if it was just the contrasted movement or just that I've been working in the same room for a long time. So just to be sure I added more objects into the room to break up the movement.
-In short, there will be less music this time around and more ambient horror sounds.
-Thanks again everyone for your patience! There are more preview pics for you all to check out while I do these small changes.
-After Captiva 2 is done the next vid will be right after it.
-Captiva Scene Preview (No Sound Effects)
-Once the vid is done and on Mega for you all to view I will post the Video Notice For you all to see.