Published: July 23rd 2019, 2:45:52 am
Hey guys just keeping you up to date with another video update.
-I'm still working on THE ROOM. I've been held up at work so I haven't had much time to work on things like I want to. (we got a deadline to hit) The goal was to make the room feel more lived in like the apartment in Silent Hill 4 The Room was. This is going to be more of a modern take on that.
-So far I have the beginnings of a good song. I'm shaping the song like its the static screech that would play when the ghost would show up in the game. I have a lot more to do but I uploaded a short portion of it to Mega!KrQmlYjb!7Z1_GACzpTyW1XHTDFkbtgZV7K7fI3ZkEwelRCg2Vy0
(Remember drag and drop the link into your search bar clicking it wont work)
-The story so far: The main character Eileen awakes to find that her apartment has been transported to a different dimension. The door to her bathroom and the door to the hallway are both locked. The handle turns but it doesn't open, as if there is someone on the other side.... holding it closed. The outside balcony is inaccessible, even when she tried to break the glass. There is no electricity, but her stereo seems to play an eerie static sound from time to time. Then she notices that the light from outside is starting to fade.
-Now the light from outside has faded, and the only light in the room is coming from a battery powered picture of herself in the nude. She begins to hear and see figures in the shadows. To make matters even worse the stereo has begun to play the horrendous static loud and clear. The sounds in the shadows have grown more and more intense over time. It was almost getting to much for her to bare. The fear of not knowing what was in the room with her grew until she remembered that she could use her phone as a light. Batteries seemed to work in this place and the phone's battery was no different. It worked...… but the phone illuminated a sight that she instantly regretted revealing...….
This is all for now, enjoy the previews and Thanks again for all of the support.!!!