Published: May 24th 2019, 2:19:25 am
I wanted to say thanks again for all of the support guys. Hitting my goal of 200 patrons was great and very motivating. I wanted to share what I've been trying to learn while I work on these vids.
Right now I'm in full Blender tutorial mode. I've been learning how to use the interface as its.....different to anything that I have ever used. They way to move the camera around is what really throws me off.
I've found a few models that are fully rendered and rigged so i'm in the process of learning how to pose them in the program. After I get the hang of posing the models I will learn how to make environments and characters so I can finally do some of the things that I wanted to do. Like more than three characters on the screen at a time, tentacles, more alien looking creatures and even a large story plot.
The biggest limitation though of going with blender or even SFM is the render times. With TK17 there isn't a render time. I do all of the animation in game and then use a capture card to film clips of the animation to take into adobe premiere to do the editing and sound. With SFM and Blender I have to render it all within the program....which can take hours and possible days once I start to animate.
Right now I only have a VERY BASIC understanding of the program so I wouldn't expect much from it for now. I was just letting you know that I am pursuing the SFM/Blender goal.
Thanks Again!