Published: May 6th 2019, 7:57:39 am
Hi guys this was supposed to be the video notice for the new vid. However I got a message from a patron letting me know that mega wasn't working right.
Well the vid has been stuck on an hour and 39 min upload time......for 3. I'm going to try and upload a shorter version over night but so far its not working for me. Hopefully I can get this figured out. If not I'll upload to Naughty and Xvideos tomorrow after work and then continue on the mega issue.
Sorry for the delay guys. I'll try and have it fixed as fast as I can.
Edit: The short version of the vid is up on mega. I removed a portion of the vid from the end (in the darkness part) Hopefully the long version will go through once I get home. Thanks Chodeisus for letting me know.