Published: February 15th 2023, 3:24:40 pm
This time, I improved the Pink girl that I posted before. As with the last time, we have improved the hairstyle, morphs, and textures. I think the textures are complete, but I think the hairstyles and morphs have a little more room for improvement.
今回は以前投稿したPink girlをさらに改良してみました。前回と同様に髪型、モーフ、テクスチャをそれぞれ改良しています。
The width of the character's head is widened so that it looks just right when viewed in VR, so when viewing it on a desktop, you may want to set the Head width value to about 0.200-0.250.
VRで見た時に丁度良くなるようにキャラの頭の幅を広めにしてあるので、デスクトップで見る時はHead widthの値を0.200~0.250くらいにしても良いかもしれません。
I've improved the alpha texture used for SupaRioAmateur's eye shadow costume for my character, so I'll post that as well. Please use it as you like.
Ver.2 is here. ( )
The costume is here ( )