
Introducing Tulpies!

Published: August 10th 2023, 12:14:57 am

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What are Tulies I hear you ask?!

"A Tulpi, a member of the Tulpies race. A sort of sentient ghost that are brought into existence by Tuplimancers (warlocks who conjure Tulpies with abilities to fight for them or to do various tasks). Tulpies come in a variety of shapes, sizes and they tend to accel at a certain task or skill, usually the one they were originally conjured for.
Most Tulpis are dispelled by their Master, but some are created with such effort they exist beyond their original tasks and can become members of society..."

Here are some Tulpies for you to enjoy!

Tulpi Leerie

"Many Tulpies were created as lamp bearers who helped to light the way during their Masters adventures.
These are a very common conjure and thus are easily represented in the Tulpi population. They've become a mainstay in a lot of villages and communities; in most places they have replaced the lamposts and regular lamp lighters alltogether.
When someone journeys out at night, a Tulpi Leerie will be close by to light the path, it's pretty much automatic. They also come with an added benefit of reducing crime, as they don't really distinguish between regular folk and those with ill intent; thus meaning it's harder to hide in the shadows.
Travelling merchants and goods carriages have also had a reduced number of attacks from bandits and animals thanks to either them scaring the wildlife away or them lighting up potential ambushes."

Tulpi Librarian

"Tulpies are not bound to specific heights/shapes, they're most comfortable in the form they were conjured in. Tulpimancers themselves don't always create Tulpies for fighting.
More often than not it's to do the things that a Tulpimancer finds repititive or boring. This particular Tulpi was created for the purpose of maintaining their Masters vast library of books. With their Master long gone, they help out in the City library, continuing to sort the array of books both high and low... The Glasses are for show, Tulpies don't suffer from vision impairments."

Tulpi Messenger

"Tulpimancers will conjure Messanger Tulpies to carry their communication throughout the land.
They're less interceptable than birds and cannot be corrupted unlike humans, plus they're never tempted to sneak a peak at the contents; Infact they derive an immense satisfaction from delivering packages. The only downside is that Tulpies are suspectable to strong winds, so storms can play havoc with their navigation. If you ever encounter a 'Mail Trail' then the likelihood is a Tulpi has been blown off course."

Tulpi Roamer

"Most Tulpies are very talented at the specific thing they were conjured for, however some, over time, decide to wonder and just exist, freeloading off communities they live in. These Tulpies were originally dubbed as 'Lazy Tuplies', but after a backlash, the term was outlawed so people now refer to them as Roamers."

Expect some more Tulpies in future, always welcome ideas and feedback, I have a few planned/sketched out already :D

Thanks again