
A Change in the Schedule

Published: June 26th 2023, 5:00:13 pm

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Hi, everyone. Let’s get down to brass tacks. So if you are $1 and up Patron, you probably are privy to the upcoming schedule and you will know that the video I had planned to be released around the end of this month was a video on the One Piece pilot Defeat the Pirate Ganzak. However, certain events that happened around the end of last month has thrown a wrench in those plans.

Some of you might have noticed that my Slayers Greatvideo has been missing from the channel since late May. That is because it got blocked by Kadokawa and I was subsequently handed down a copyright strike. My first in quite some time. I do plan on re-uploading an edited version of the video when the time is right and, until then, find a way to make it accessible to those who wish to watch it. But with that strike looming over me, I’ve had to be a bit more cautious in how I edit my videos as well as choosing which anime topics I can cover lest I piss of companies like Kadokawa and others who have given me trouble in the past.

Which brings me to the One Piece video. One Piece is a property owned by Toei Animation, quite possible the largest animation studio in Japan. I’ve done videos on Toei productions before and I have had good luck with them so far. But One Piece is different. The One Piece anime is like the Dragon Ball anime where Toei has an itchy trigger finger when it comes to making claims. And while I could luck out on avoiding that, I would rather not take a chance at this moment in time.

As such, the video on One Piece: Defeat the Pirate Ganzak will be moved to a later date sometime this year. The rest of the aforementioned schedule of releases will continue roughly on schedule. In place of the One Piece video will be a new one that I’ll save as a surprise. It’s an interesting topic I have had saved in my back pocket for years and I’m sure you’ll get a kick out of it as well. It’s sure to be one hell of a video.

That is all for now. Possum out!