
KYOTO VIDEO Quarterly Report (May- Jul)

Published: May 9th 2022, 2:44:29 am

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Gall Force 3: Stardust War – May 14th: Time to get back to the Gall Force franchise with the last title that closes out the original trilogy. We'll see just how big of a bang the on-going story goes out on with a war that ensure nothing but stardust remains!

Bounty Dog – May 28th: Another oddity remembered solely by those in the early days of American anime fandom, Bounty Dog is an anime that promises a lot but delivers very little. How exactly does that happen and why is the future so damn yellow?

Ozanari Dungeon – June 11th: KYOTO VIDEO explores a comedic fantasy anime involving a cast of idiots that ISN'T Slayers. We Ozanari Dungeon and explore exactly why short, wacky comedy involving a dumbass elf barbarian can just be good enough.

All Purpose Cultural Catgirl Nuku Nuku DASH – June 25th: KB is fulfilling a promise he made long ago. Finally tackling the anime that tried to turn a story about a boy and his hyper-active robot catgirl into a hard-hitting sci-fi drama and missed the mark so completely, it ultimately killed what could have been a lasting franchise. 

Arcadia of My Youth – July 16th: Welp, it's finally happening. KYOTO VIDEO is finally doing a video on one of anime's quintessential heroes: Captain Harlock. What better way to do that than to analyze his history and influence through the film that became the centerpiece of both the character and the universe he inhabits

Fatal Fury Specials – July 30th: This fighting game season, you are getting two anime reviews for the prices of one as we go over the Fatal Fury TV specials Legend of the Hungry Wolf and Fatal Fury 2: The New Battle. See how well these two hold up and how they were popular enough to spawn a famous movie