Published: February 2nd 2019, 10:13:06 pm
Hey all!
Welcome to the inaugural post on KYOTO VIDEO's brand spankin' new Patreon! First off, if you can read this, thank you for donating to the cause. You're really helping this job becomes a little easier each and everyday.
What say I reward you lucky patrons with a little preview of what's coming up in the next quarter as far new KYOTO VIDEO's are concerned!
Here's what got on the schedule from February to late April:
February 14th - Neo Tokyo
February 28th - Dallos
March 14th - Ninja Scroll
March 28th - Cybernetics Guardian
April 15th - All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku
April 29th - The Ultimate Teacher
Already a stellar line up for the second year of KYOTO VIDEO, but stay tuned! There is plenty more where that came from and you do not wanna miss it!