Published: July 15th 2024, 4:01:44 am
Attention: If you need help with something, read the "readme" .txt files. If you still need help, go to MixMods discord server and ask for help there. I usually don't reply messages here.
Alongside with the overall world textures, this month I also gave a special attention for the vegetation textures, replacing the current textures with the correct tree types, colors etc to match more closely the originals. The vegetation textures revision is 80% complete, I will finish the rest on the next update.
Still talking about vegetation, I would like to announce that I recently started a project of HD vegetation models that matches the game, all with lods, collision, wind adaptation etc. I will release them alongside my retexture for GTA VC and GTA IV. I recently bought GTA IV on steam summer sale just to make a retex for it.