
What's coming next week

Published: January 7th 2024, 7:36:18 pm


It's time for a weekly update post! 

Tomorrow on the 8th, I hope to post Chapter 10 of Pitfalls of a Threesome. I've been working on the plan for how the story will conclude after the last poll where the favourite choice was for Max & Steph to have another threesome with Lily. I think there may end up being another poll for the final chapter as I can see things ending two different ways in my head. I'll keep you updated as and when we get to that point, but for now I just need to put the finishing touches on Chapter 10 in order to post it.

On the 10th, Chapter 7 of Benefits of Education will be coming. This is another story where the poll to pick the direction of the next chapters was chosen as a threesome (between Selene and the two professors).  I don't think we will get to the threesome until Chapter 9 or 10 based on my plan at the minute, but we should have a nice buildup from Chapter 7 onward.

The 12th will be Problems from the Past Chapter 4. This is currently my favourite story to write, and Chapter 4 will see Laura start to struggle with her guilt from what happened at the end of Chapter 3 with her ex Jacob. I'm hoping to keep this story going on for a while, and I'm up to Chapter 6 so far with the plan in my head.

Finally, the 14th will see Chapter 4 of Motivation Techniques. The end of Chapter 3 saw Eva getting descriptive with Kai, and that continues in the next Chapter...

I've also started working on The Tattoo Artist, staring https://onlyfans.com/hentaifaye. I've got the first couple of Chapters very roughly outlined, and hope to be able to post some of those next week, whether as a WIP piece or a full Chapter, but it just depends on how much time I get.

I haven't forgotten about The Christmas Bonus story or Secret Santa - when I've got the time, I'll start focusing on those a bit more as well.

Hope you all have a great week ahead!