
What's coming this week

Published: June 10th 2024, 4:31:00 pm


Hi everyone, just a quick update on what I'll be posting this week:

Tomorrow (11th) will be Chapter 4 of A Holiday Romance Chapter. Ela and Andreas were heading out to dinner and to get to know each other a bit better at the end of Chapter 3. How much better acquainted did they get though?

On the 13th I'll be posting Chapter 6 of Dad Duties. More pictures were sent by Miss White in Chapter 5, and it's pretty clear where their relationship is heading next. Will Noah go through with meeting up with her the following night, and what are the repercussions going to be with Freya if he does?

I've not quite decided yet what will be posted on the 15th. I was hoping to have the final part of Secret Santa: The Christmas Party, but I'm not sure it will be ready in time, so if it isn't, then I'll post Chapter 7 of The Secret Pron Star instead.

Thank you everyone for your votes in the poll around the conclusion of Problems From The Past. It's looking like Laura is going to end up with Jacob based off of the current results. I'm not sure how that's going to happen just yet, but once the poll is finished I'll start writing and see what I come up with.

Hope everyone has a great week!