
[ Frame Arms ] - and a quick upload note

Published: June 5th 2024, 1:35:01 pm

im_amandaa main image
im_amandaa image #0
im_amandaa image #1
im_amandaa image #2
im_amandaa image #3

Been divng back into mech stuff, frame arm girls and Plamo in general. 

Definitely willing to make some quality sexy/smut mech girls stuff in a near future.
(not only focused on "battle type", obviously, but you get it)

This is my first real try so, obviously a lot to learn, fix and whatnot. Still. Pretty proud of this one :]

Quick note as to the previously teased BC piece (phone) :
Been busy with family and comm stuff this last week, as mentioned before. Everything will be back to a more regular schedule today.
Sorry for the delay, but again, i'm not uploading half cooked artworks just for the sake of "uploading". Hope you'll understand, and i will try and update more wips this week to make up for it :]