
Monday Portion of News

Published: October 15th 2023, 10:08:31 pm


Hello world ;)

An update on few things :)


October Releases

This week I plan to release 2 new mods:

As for Better salary for Actor career - I am not sure I'll upload it, I did a small research and I found that version of such mod already exists ( and it's up to date and looks very nice so I don't think additional mod like this is really needed. My version was much simpler. So unless I get some feedback that you need it done differently - I will not upload my mod on this.

Work in Progress

Collections update

Patreon is adding new options here and there, and changing old ones, and as much as I find really unnecessary most of them, I like 1 thing they added already some time ago - Collections. So I organized all my mods into Collections now, I hope it will be easier to find some mods for your (although I found Tag system also very useful and well working).

CurseForge downloads

And last, but not least, if you would like to support me but you are not able to become my Patreon, I would like to ask you to consider downloading my mods from CurseForge :) You don't need to have an application, you can manually download the mod in the same way as you download them here, or anywhere else. I will be still providing all download alternatives on my blog. But to all my new mods I will from now on also add a CurseForge direct download link :)

That's all! Thank you very much for reading till the end!

Have a wonderful week all!