
Monday Portion of News

Published: September 18th 2023, 5:58:49 pm


Hello everyone! I hope you all feel well :)

First of all, I want to let you know that after few months of self-observation, how I manage now my private life, work and modding, I am ready to officially come back to modding :) It also means I will reactivate my Patreon starting from October, but with the rule that if I don't plan to release anything within the coming month - I'll pause charging for the specific month.  I am giving you this early heads-up so if you wish, you have time to resign from monthly subscription.

I am also changing the subscription plan to so called "Subscription billing" - it lets to charge new patrons monthly on the same date they joined. So that new patreons are no longer charged twice in their first month when they join after the 1st. It was not an issue here so far, cause I was anyway not charging after joining, but now I prefer to make this change so it's more favorable for you.

And that's saying, please see my WIP and planned releases below :)

Work in Progress

1. Realistic swimming update - now with Poolside Splash Kit release I am doing little collab with BoschianaCC who "made a conversion of the floaties from the new Poolside Splash Kit, now they are free and can be used with any swimsuit". I'll use their CC to be functional within my mod :] and few other things I need to improve or add.

2. Fear of Animals - this is definitely taking me too long, so it's within my top priorities to finish this one :D

3. I have few others in WIP state, but I really need to finish the 2 above, unless I get stuck at some point. In general my to-do and WIP lists are soo long, I hope, I'll manage to cross out some points quickly :D

October Releases:

1. Hobby Aspirations Bundle 2 - including aspirations:

  • Music Lover - focused on listening to music
  • Art Lover - focused on viewing art
  • Lane Legend - for bowling hobby
  • Craftsman's Journey - focused on crafting in general (but not specific skill but rather general approach so what ever your Sim crafts - this aspiration will work).
  • Fun Bucket List - aspiration focused on doing fun stuff, kind of like these lists "What I need to  do before my 40's" or something ;)

2. Better salary for Actor career - salary for gigs will increase when fame rank increases and career level. I was requested this small mod some time go :)

3. Call to Grab Drink - update to my current mod that allows to invite other Sims to grab a drink from Keg stand. I'll update this mod to enable this action also for Luxe Drink Tray and Summer Drink Tray. (any other tray I am missing out maybe? if yes, please give a comment :) )

4. Hopefully something else from current WIP :)

I also work on my Discord server to enable more comfortable way for bug reporting, feedbacks etc, but it's still under cosntruction. I'll let you know when it's ready (if I don't get discouraged along the way cause I am a bit lost sometimes with all these options on discord, to be honest xD).

Thank you for reading till the end! :D