
Patch 1.96.365 (Infants & Growing Together)

Published: March 15th 2023, 7:33:46 am


Updating is finished!

Below you can find listed all mods that got updated. And also here status for all mods:

I also used the BE mod for check and there are some tiny tuning suggestions how to improve the tuning for my mods (not Last Exception reports, please don't confuse those two) and I will do it. But for now all current versions are safe to use and will not cause issues, nor LEs. I regret I didn't do it earlier, but I must say, there was so many updates that I forgot.

Final round (23/03/2023)

I reviewed School Trips and it can be used safely after this patch, I am still working on the overhaul, so it should be released within 1 week or so. For now current version will work fine.

Fourth round (22/03/2023)

Third round (20/03/2023)

Second round of updates (19/03/2023):

First round of updates (as for 18/03/2023):