Patch Info + Updates Summary: Scripting removal/other updates
Published: November 24th 2022, 9:50:45 pm
All my mods are still compatible with the last patch (1.93.146.) as this was only an update for Gallery filter.
But today I uploaded several updates - NOT PATCH RELATED. And with this I finish scripting removal from my mods (only 5 mods require to keep scripts as XML injector cannot replace my scripting there). Please remember that from now on a lot of my mods will require an updated version of XML injector.
*I updated as well naming convention of my mods - it's more standardised now. So please, make sure old versions of my mods are deleted before adding new versions.
**I still plan some overhauls to several of my mods, but I'll post it separately when done.
I sum up here the entire list of all updates done in October and November:
Links to direct download here:
***But I updated also all Patreon posts and my blog posts with newest versions of my mods.
Updated mods (24th of November 2022)
- UFO Investigator Aspiration - script removal (it's part of Aspirations by Itsmysimmod)
- Children Aspirations Bundle - script removal + fixes
- Ultimate Stan Aspiration - script removal
- Hobby Aspirations - script removal
- Realistic Swimming - script removal
- BroomstickMaker Career - fix, now selling brooms should count simoleons and complete objectives
- Wandmaker Career - fix, now selling wands should count simoleons and complete objectives
- Vampire Initiation Ritual - small tweak (I added for only this event an interaction Ask to Turn to Vampire to be available even if you're not friends with a vampire).
- Dracula Aspiration - fixed and I slightly changed the reward for The Original Trait - now vampires with this trait can't be cured if someone else throws a antidote at them but if decide to drink antidote on them own - they'll be cured.
- Vampire Slayer Mod - fixed + the same as above for The Original Trait.
Updated mods (17th of November 2022)
- Movie Evening Event - small overhaul, I decided to change this event a little bit and enable throwing it outside of residential lots, so e.g. ordering a pizza is no longer a task, just eating something ;)
- Talent Contest Event - overhaul that (I hope!) will improve the general experience of this event. So basically NPC sims should finally watch performance and jury will announce the results.
- Witches' Sabbat Event- change of the name to Sabbat as more appropriated, as requested.
- University Rejection Letter - script removal + overhaul (changed slightly counting system and adjusted it for High School traits e.g. Valedictorian or Expelled and adeepindingo traits from Education overhaul)
- Video Station Interactions Add Followers - small fix of followers counting, now should count total number of followers correctly.
- Check Today's Events - Chinese translation added by Juliet
- Aspiration True Philantropist - Portuguese translation added by Artur Lira
Updated mods (5th of November 2022):
- Ask Parent About Dating - script removal
- Express Proud & Disappointment - script removal
Events (I updated available venues, fixed rewards for NPCs and other small tweaks):
- Bloody party - small tweak/fix
- Vampire Initiation Ritual - small tweak/fix
- Coworkers Hangout - small tweak/fix
- Debate Event - small tweak/fix
- Witches' Sabbath - small tweak/fix
- Spiritualist Seance - small tweak/fix
- School Dances - small tweak/fix
Updated mods (23rd of October 2022):
- Archaeologist/Palaeontologist Freelancer Career - script removal
- Master Duelist - script removal
- Quidditch Career - script removal
- Healer - Magic Career - script removal + Korean translation added (by jeyjeon/전승재)
- Broomstick Maker - script removal + small tweak + Korean (by jeyjeon/전승재)
- Wandmaker Career - script removal + small tweak
- School Newspaper - script removal
- Afterschool Activities Bundle 1 - script removal
- Afterschool Activities Bundle 2 - script removal
Updated mods (15th of October 2022):
- Borrow Books From Library - Script removal and small tweaks + German translation added (by Mai Hwang)
- Buy Explorer Supplies via Computer - Script removal and small tweak
- Call to Get Drinks from Keg - Script removal + German translation added (by helene912)
- One Time Jobs for Children and Teens - Script removal and small tweak (added phone interaction)