
Teen Aspirations Bundle - updated for HSY

Published: August 28th 2022, 11:58:36 am

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ilkavelle image #0

I updated my aspirations for the High School Years, but I didn't really changed much. I reviewed new aspirations for teens added in the pack and I actually found many similarities with my own, although they are different. So in the end I just changed really small things, because I didn't want to make the same objectives as in the aspirations from HSY.

What's changed:

1. I put all my aspirations in the Teen category from HSY pack. Unfortunately the Teen category doesn't appear if you don't have HSY, so I had to create 2 versions of the mod, one with Teen category from HSY and second with old Teen category.

2. Prom Royalty aspiration (I changed the name) - in the last part of it you can complete Prom event from HSY and I added new objective - to actually get the crown! (it is available only in HSY version)

3. Overachiever aspiration - I added objective to Attend Faculty Study Session (it is available only in HSY version).

4. Teenage Rebellion aspiration - I didn't add any new objectives, but you can now complete objective "Don't Go To School 3 Times" by getting caught on missing classes and you can do teen pranks to complete objective "Sabotage Objects"

5. I fixed the bug (reason of LE) and I checked if all objectives can be completed.

Unfortunately objective "Have 1000 Followers" (Prom Royalty aspiration) still can be completed only by using interactions from Simstagram etc. It will NOT work with followers from Trendi or Social Bunny. I tried to find some common reference for followers, but I didn't find it so far.

I you have other suggestions how my aspirations can work better with the HSY pack, just let me know :) I only played it for 1 week 1h/day so I could have missed some great opportunities :)

Full description of the mod:

24/07/2023 - update for patch 1.99.264 (18th of July, Horse Ranch)

7/02/2023 - updated for January 31st patch