
Mods Updates

Published: October 2nd 2021, 12:58:15 pm


Hello everyone :) 

In September I was able to return slowly to modding. And I am happy to welcome you in October with a portion of updated mods. These are bug fixes or small improvements that I hope you'll find useful :)

Also you'll find below list of new translations added. And I am pleased to say that ALL MY MODS are now available in Dutch thanks to two amazing translators: GothiqeSimmer and Kimberley!!! <3

UPDATES (Including translations)

Archaeologist Freelancer career:

  • Added separeted menu (within Friendly category) for all interactions related to career
  • Fixed time for showing up new gigs (I finally found which piece of code is responsible for this time :D ) Now you should get some gigs available all the time - sometimes more, sometimes less, but generally there will be always something to choose from.
  • Fixes of few gigs, objectives etc.
  • Dutch translation added by GothiqeSimmer

Healer Career:

  • All spells added with this career can be now executed also on self-Sim (so Sims healers will be able to cast these spells on themselves).
  • Dutch translation added by GothiqeSimmer.

Quidditch career:

  • I made training event easier (reduced iterations of goals). I was playing this career and I don't know, I had impression that it was too much.
  • Dutch translation added by GothiqeSimmer

Afterschool Activities Bundle1 & Afterschool Activities Bundle2 - I changed the way skills grow during activities and I changed also something else, but now I can't remember what hahaha :D 

Children Aspirations Bundle 

  • Fixed several objectives in aspirations
  • Added 1 new objective to Voidcritters Master aspiration - to complete Virtual Voidcritter Hunt (as suggested by Kimberley who translated this mod to Dutch). It's in separated file, as it requires to have Snowy Escape pack. File name: ChildAspiration_VoidcrittersMaster_ilkavelle_Addon(Snowy Escape)

Hobby Aspirations - Added separeted menus (within Friendly category) for all interactions from these aspirations. It will be now easier to find my interactions in the list :) 

Voice Virtuoso Aspiration

  • Now as a reward your Sim can additionally license lyrics without waiting time, as suggested by KC.
  • Dutch translation added by GothiqeSimmer

Music Producer Aspiration - I changed reward interactions - they are no more duplicated and will work for both: tapes from DJ Booth and tracks Music Production Station. 

School Trips Events

  • Students will learn more during this event (interactions to ask teacher will give more skill points).
  • Added an interaction "Teach" that can be used by a Teacher and it will complete a goal "Ask Questions to Teacher / Teach".

Event Movie Evening :

  • Just changed to casual clothes during this event ;)
  • Dutch translation added by GothiqeSimmer

Realistic Swimming - Added separeted menu (within Friendly category) for all interactions about swimming. 

Borrow books From Library:

  • Added interaction to extend the loan period of borrowed book (phone interaction)
  • Added interaction with librarian to pay a fee for a lost book (this will allow to borrow books again without the need to return borrowed earlier book). I know that you can return any book in fact but I thought that it's more realistic ;)  (Btw, I was trying to somehow mark borrowed book so that you would be able to return only this one book, but so far with no success unfortunetely. )


Dutch by GothiqeSimmer:

Portuguese by qlaqercoixsa:

French corrected by Kimiko Soma: