
Small update

Published: September 21st 2021, 1:37:52 pm


Hey! I'm gonna straight away say that I'm sorry for the absence. Same as alot of people I started Uni recently, it's really been taking up ALOT of my time and getting home around 6pm everyday leaves me completely exhausted. I'll be honest and say its really hard to motivate myself to record or stream when I'm that exhausted. Even on weekends I find myself working on and stressing out about uni stuff and I'm only 3 weeks in!!

I'll make sure to talk about all of this on youtube soon too, been too long since an upload. But regardless, I really appreciate everyone for sticking around. Coming on here and seeing a bunch of notifications about people liking posts really does me good. I'll be uploading NSFW and SFW for the respective tiers before the end of the month, sorry about the fact theres no polls! 

Again, thanks so much and ily.

P.S. if ur also in uni/have been holy !!@$%^ its so much stuff how do u manaaGEE AAA good luck tho.