
[SFW] Take a step back

Published: May 30th 2021, 9:25:32 pm

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Social media and a constant stream of information from news outlets can be stressfull and take a toll on people, don't pay too much mind too it if it gets detrimental to your well-being!

Anyway hi!! I have a big of a cold (No, dw I don't have the C word) but i'll be A okay, just a heads up that I might sound a bit raspy/nasally and I hope thats okay!

2 More things, NSFW will be up in a few hours, so look forward to that!

Aaand, author of this script is right here: https://www.reddit.com/user/xbubble_teax
Tysm for letting me use this because it is written super fuckin well and all in all a really lovely script.