
Patreon Tier Changes

Published: December 24th 2020, 3:31:08 am


Hey qt's, I've been thinking about changing up the patreon tiers heading into the next year, i'll keep it short and simple and you guys can just decide by voting on the poll!

Should I keep the tiers as is, with seperate tiers getting different rewards.


Should I just have 1 tier, which would be priced at 10$ that just has everything, whether it's poll access, early access, and patreon exclusive content.


a 2$ tier that is just for general support, and doesn't offer anything except for updates I post on here (no content, polls) and an 10$ tier that gives you access to everything. (Polls, early access to uploads, and exclusive content)

Keep in mind i'm planning on opening up commissions again separate from Patreon, but you'll see a seperate post about that going into 2021!