

Published: June 25th 2020, 3:53:27 pm


I am all moved in! YAY! 

Things went remarkably smoothly. Almost no breakage and already feeling good being closer to home. Also seeing friends I haven't hung around in years is the greatest. Overall, much happy. Very good health. (Except my anxiety but to be expected in a new place).

Also, extremely tired. Idk if I am sick or what, but I am barely able to go for a run right now. I think it is just the mental adjustment of moving. I remember this the last time I moved as well, but it seems a bit worse.

More than a few people have been asking for an apartment tour. Unfortunately, I won't be doing that. Due to things that happened while I was still in CBus, greater security measures are being taken and I will be keeping what the layout of my place is a secret. I am sure some internet weirdo could still find it if they really tried, but I'll be making it a bit harder.

I HAVE BEEN NEGLECTING YOU! I have not posted anything new for you all in a while and the livestreams are so crowded I barely can see when patreons say something. To make up for that, the livestream mentioned in the previous post is on and will be a monthly thing. 

I have not written a lick since the move due to BUSY, but am jumping back on the horse soon. I just struggle to write when my anxiety is up. I need them zen mindstate. 

Thank you all for understanding and being amazing supporters. 

Wheel of Time video coming soon. 

As an old friend of mine used to say goodbye,