Published: November 17th 2018, 6:13:33 pm
Of course everything is subject to change, but here is one of our main characters.
Aviah Hempir
Age - 32
Job - Expert soldier for hire - Former bounty hunter.
Bio - Over the last 14 years Aviah has built a reputation for being one of the best sharp shots in the empire. She enlisted at 15 and fought in the (redacted) wars. After her service ended she became a bounty hunter for the lords of (redacted). She exclusively went after kill contracts. Often ambushing her targets and ending the situation with a single shot at a distance.
After killing many members of crime families, the price on her head became to high for safety. As a result, one of her friends, Lord (redacted), told her of an opportunity to leave the empire and discover new lands. Being hired by Captain Kira as an expert soldier, Aviah is now at sea.
Physical description:
Height - 5 foot 10 inches.
Build - Extremely Muscular.
Hair - Blond/short or in a topknot.