
Another month being transparent in time contribution

Published: February 1st 2025, 2:11:51 pm


So in 2025 I decided I wanted to expose you all to a little more behind the scenes content and I started by showing you all how much time I spend on January content last month and that just got an amazing reception so I figured why not do it again this month!

Background: So I've been tracking my idea/process for years on trello but midway through last year I decided to start time tracking how long each idea takes to make it's way to you and it's been really eye opening to me at what takes me the longest to do and it has helped me to figure out how much work I can actually get done in a month and to set realistic goals for myself.

Here's what I having coming to you this month, when the idea first entered my trello board, and how long I have spent on each part of the process.

  • Don't make the tent shake! We're just cuddling for warmth right? [Friends to Lovers] + sfw
    Entered Trello board life November 19 2024

    There has been manymany requests over the years for some camp/tent audios so I thought it wouldn't hurt to add more to the collection lol

    Brainstorming: 0m
    Writing: 1h 34m
    Recording: 36m
    Editing: 1h50m
    Scheduling: 54m (may still go up)

  • The priest had a person emergency [Nun] + sfw
    Entered Trello board life January 4 2024 (no typo, this bad boy has been on the trello board for over a year)

    I knowwww but I just can't stop doing nun/priest stuff. Maybe in 2026 you'll be free of it lol

    Brainstorming: 0m
    Writing: 1h33m
    Recording: 45m
    Editing: 2h 29m
    Scheduling: 45m

  • Shower [Roommates to Lovers] before a date +sfw
    Entered Trello board life November 17 2024 (just after I took a shower)

    idk why but I feel like I've been making a bunch of shower audios recently I have another one scheduled for march 🙄. I'll try to keep Q3 free of shower prompts.

    Brainstorming: 24m
    Writing: 0m (improv!)
    Recording: 42m
    Editing: 1h 18m
    Scheduling: 49m

  • [GFE] help me change my 23 and me results with your body fluid bb + sfw
    Entered Trello board life December 5 2024 (onto the cursed ideas board lol)

    you have no idea how hard it has been to get youtube to approve this for advertisers (maybe you do have some sort of idea actually...) and I FINALLY got approval for it!

    Brainstorming: 0m
    Writing: 2h 8m (it is so silly that I spend the most time writing this out of all the other ideas)
    Recording: 25m
    Editing: 52m (she's in the edit process now bb)
    Scheduling: 57m (I haven't tracked the time arguing with youtube about it but maybe i should have)

  • The lights are on but no one's home [Body Doubling]

    Brainstorming: 0m (obvi)
    Writing: 0m (obvi)
    Recording: 38m
    Editing: 0m (combined this one with scheduling)
    Scheduling: 51m

So I don't time track my "admin" so none of this includes that but here's some other work I got done in preparation of February.

  • 2024 taxes (omg)

  • Deciding what let's play we should do in Q2 (Detroit: become human)

  • Planning content for Q2 including possible sequels

  • Reviewing current audience preferences (what posts get more likes/comments + poll results)

  • Doing some IRL ASMR test shots and getting an introduction to that type of content for February

  • Making a "Romance Collection" like I did in 2024 for 2.14.2025 <3